
Nov 9, 2019

Siridhanyas Kashayas For Dialysis Patients By Dr Khadar Vali

Siridhanyas and Kashayas For Dialysis patients recommended by Dr Khadar Vali

When kidneys work the way they should, they play an important role in keeping the whole body clean, strong, well-fueled and functioning properly. Conversely, kidney failure puts the body at risk, allowing waste to accumulate and wreak havoc, which is why it’s a good idea to do a kidney cleanse from time to time.
Siridhanyas Kashayas For Dialysis Patients By Dr Khadar Vali
Siridhanyas Kashayas For Dialysis Patients By Dr Khadar Vali

Use Siridhanyas and Kashayas in Your daily life cure from kidney disease.


Little - 2 days
Kodo - 2 days
Foxtail - 1 day
Barnyard - 1 day
Browntop - 1 day


Nyctanthus arbor - tristis
Boerhavia Diffusa
Bryophyllum Leaves
Phyllanthus Amarus.

Along with these Siridhanyas and Kashayas follow Dr. Kadar vali easy healthy leaving life style.

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