à°ªాà°² à°•ంà°Ÿే à°ªాà°² పదాà°°్à°¥ాà°²ే à°®ంà°šిà°µా? à°ªాà°²ు à°¸ంà°ªూà°°్à°£ ఆహారమనేà°¦ి à°Žంతవరకు à°¨ిà°œం ?
Nutritional needs of growing child fulfilled with milk
à°¡ాà°•్à°Ÿà°°్. సరళ à°–ాదర్ సలహాà°²ు à°¸ూచనలు
Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including “nutrients of concern,” which are under-consumed by many populations ( 3 ). It provides potassium, B12, calcium and vitamin D, which are lacking in many diets ( 4 ). Milk is also a good source of vitamin A, magnesium, zinc and thiamine (B1).
Nutritional needs of growing child fulfilled with milk
à°¡ాà°•్à°Ÿà°°్. సరళ à°–ాదర్ సలహాà°²ు à°¸ూచనలు
Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including “nutrients of concern,” which are under-consumed by many populations ( 3 ). It provides potassium, B12, calcium and vitamin D, which are lacking in many diets ( 4 ). Milk is also a good source of vitamin A, magnesium, zinc and thiamine (B1).
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Nutritional needs of growing child fulfilled with milk |